The Ed-Fi OtisEd Starter Kit is a fully functional data warehousing solution.
OtisEd Solutions are designed to make education data easy to use in the hands of the educator. Education data is often stored in silo systems making it difficult to analyze.
NIMBLE provides a robust analytics and reporting Platform empowering our customers with “off the shelf” dashboards and reports designed to support strategic planning, trend analysis, program evaluation, risk and readiness reporting, and much more. NIMBLE empowers our customers with easy to use dashboard and report creation tools allowing customers with the ability to develop their own analysis and reports.
OtisEd anticipated the need and is offering one of the first solutions to meet the ESSA Report Card requirement that has been implemented in other states. Learn more!
It is good news that schools, and school systems have an abundance of data to make quick and intelligent decisions. But it is, indeed, abundant, and difficult to manage. OtisEd has over 20 years establishing and implementing large scale data management practices in statewide longitudinal data systems. Contact us so we can share more!


Our K12 Data Science Platform gives your analysts a workstation in the cloud with popular data science tools already loaded. In addition, curated K12 observation data sets are made available with the ability to ingest and append your own data for analysis. The platform provides a secure place to analyze your data using R, Python, Jupiter Notebooks, SQL Server and Microstrategy with the means to publish findings to your peers.
The OtisEd K12 Data Lake Platform provides a centralized repository for all data used within your organization. The data is collected, curated and then stored in a common format to allow analysts and data scientists direct easy access to the information required for internal and external data requests. The data lake saves time and money by archiving all relevant data into a single centralized repository. Data can be extracted by data scientists, data analysts or developers to support data marts, data warehouses, data analytics, machine learning, predictive analytics, data discovery and profiling.
The OtisEd Data Warehouse Platform is a comprehensive set of tools and methodologies designed to help organizations address forensic analysis and reporting of data which changes over time. When it is necessary to reproduce reports which show data as it existed at any point in time against a current view of that data, the data warehouse solution provides the longitudinal views of the data.
The solution includes tools for defining, managing and sharing models with other organizations. Included are tools for generating the source to target transformations, load procedures and tables needed for the data. Software for monitoring, auditing and validating the incoming data and processes needed to transform and load the data. Optional tools for matching data sets, processing assessments and distributing ad-hoc or pre-defined reports to users within the organization.
01 / Data Management Planning and services
02 / ESSA Data
03 / Data Warehousing
We offer a blueprint for data management engagement where we help you assess the state of your data management components.
We document the policies, security, infrastructure, monitoring and control components of ingestion, amalgamation and publishing of your enterprise data. We also provide services in the area of record linking, address standardization, data validation and audit.
The new Federal ESSA requirements bring a new set of challenges to every state. We have expertise in the collecting and reporting of ESSA data. Here's more info.
Data warehousing means many things to many people. We help you define your data warehousing initiative and provide consulting in the areas of dimensional data modeling, ETL development using SQL Server, and creating custom validation and monitoring components.
04 /Data analytics
05 / Cloud migration, hosting and support
06 / Staff Augmentation
Just getting started with Data Analytics or want to collaborate with other analyst? We provide project based data analytics using R, Python, SQL Server and MicroStrategy.
Whether you are considering migrating to AWS or Azure or to your own private cloud, we can help you plan for migrating to the cloud. We also provide remote managed services to maintain hosting environment.
Need data management or business intelligence contractors on a long term basis? We can help.