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EdFi ODS Data Warehouse Starter Kit


the Ed-Fi Otised Starter Kit is a fully functioning data warehouse.

It comes with a K12 data model containing 10 fact tables and 22 dimensions.  It includes all of the stored procedures, scripts and code to define the database tables, transform and load the data from an Ed-Fi ODS v3.1 database structure.  The warehouse provides a transactional layer to keep track of mid-year changes on student attributes and it is configured to store year over year data

The “Starter Kit” provides the following features to support a K-12 Data Warehouse:



01 / K-12 Data Model

This data model is a working data supports LEAs and SEAs in the following domains; District, School, Student Enrollment, Attendance, Course, Course Section, Student Course Schedules, Student Course Grades, Teacher Course Schedules, Staff, Student Transcripts, and Student Programs.


02 / Database

The included scripts define and create the database and tables to support for following three environments; Staging, Transactional, and Approved tables, as described below.


03 / staging database tables

Staging Database tables are a copy of the raw data from the Ed-Fi ODS structure.


04 / transactional database tables

Transactional Database tables are the output of the transformation data process, which keeps track of transactional changes to data over time.


05 / approved database tables

Approved Database tables house the current state of the data for reporting and analytics purposes.


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